Students are becoming increasingly proficient at reading by the end of fifth grade. Check out Fry’s Sixth 100 Sight Words Flashcards for an extra nudge on this set.Īnything arms beautiful believe beside bill blue brother can’t cause cells center clothes dance describe developed difference direction discovered distance divided drive drop edge eggs energy Europe exercise farmers felt finished flowers forest general gone grass happy heart held instruments interest job kept lay legs length love main matter meet members million mind months moon paint paragraph past perhaps picked present probably race rain raised ready reason record region represent return root sat shall sign simple site sky soft square store subject suddenly sum summer syllables teacher test third train wall weather west whether wide wild window winter wish writtenĪs words get harder to both read and write, memorizing these lists can help students produce quality, grade-level work and read appropriate level texts with relative ease. Not struggling to read each individual word means students can retain more of the context of what they read. As these words become automatic, you will see a jump in fluency and comprehension of texts. Again, these students are in the 4th and 5th grade and are around 10-11 years old. Here is the next set students should focus on.
able ago among ball base became behind boat box bread bring brought building built cannot carefully check circle class clear common contain correct course dark decided deep done dry English equation explain fact feel filled finally fine fly force front full game gave government green half heat heavy hot inches include inside island known language less machine material minutes note nothing noun object ocean oh pair person plane power produce quickly ran rest road round rule scientists shape shown six size special stars stay stood street strong surface system ten though thousands understand verb wait warm week wheels yes yet Although they may not be “instant” words, children are becoming more familiar with these words in educational and recreational texts. Practice their familiarity more with the help of our Fry’s Fifth 100 Sight Words Flashcards too.

Children in these grades are 10-11 years old. The remaining six lists of Fry words are typically presented in 4th-5th grade and have been encountered many times already. Here’s another way to increase their familiarity with these words with our Fry’s Third 100 Sight Words Flashcards. The third 100 Fry words are: above add almost along always began begin being below between book both car carry children city close country cut don’t earth eat enough every example eyes face family far father feet few food four girl got group grow hard head hear high idea important Indian it’s keep last late leave left let life light list might mile miss mountains near never next night often once open own paper plant real river run saw school sea second seem side something sometimes song soon start state stop story talk those thought together took tree under until walk watch while white without young Although these words have likely appeared in texts already, increased recognition will help with reading fluency now and in the future. The age range for these grades is typically 8-9. Students in the late second grade through third grade are better at decoding words but memorizing this next set gives additional confidence in reading. Looking for additional practice when it comes to learning your Fry’s second 100 sight words? You can view it here. These are the second set of Fry words: after again air also America animal another answer any around ask away back because before big boy came change different does end even follow form found give good great hand help here home house just kind know land large learn letter line little live man me means men most mother move much must name need new off old only our over page picture place play point put read right same say sentence set should show small sound spell still study such take tell things think three through too try turn us very want well went where why work world years Reading these words should be automatic and easy, enabling students to focus on only unknown words in a text.

Students in these grade levels are 7-8 years old.

Building upon the previous list, the second set of words is generally mastered during the first and second-grade years.